Terms of Use

In effect as of 03/24/2024

The terms of use are accessible from this page indefinitely, with the purpose of defining the terms of use for the Passeport Textile website.

Passeport Textile reserves the right to unilaterally and continuously modify the nature of these terms of use in compliance with European digital regulations.

Site content

Passeport Textile offers B2B commercial development services in the national and international markets. It acts as an intermediary between various professional actors who wish to sell or source textiles: entrepreneurs, manufacturers, artisans, shops, associations...

The website offers the following services :

  • Sourcing
  • Market diagnostics
  • Prospecting
  • Communication
  • Consulting

All our services are detailed on our website in the "services" section. They are valid for all countries.

Legal notice

Our legal notice can be accessed directly via this link or on the legal notice page at the bottom of the Passeport Textile website.

Access to the site

The website www.passeport-textile.com allows users free access to various pages of the site. The site is accessible worldwide with internet access. You are free to visit all pages. No identification is required.

The use of the site is dedicated to all adults, i.e., all textile professionals, for purely commercial purposes.

All essential costs for consulting the site (computer equipment, internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the user.

Site management

Access to the site www.passeport-textile.com may be temporarily unavailable due to technical issues, maintenance, content modification, or site improvement. This may occur without prior notification or justification to the user.

The user may not sue Passeport Textile for compensation for any damages related to this inconvenience.

GDPR data

Our privacy policy can be accessed directly via this link or on the privacy policy page at the bottom of the Passeport Textile website.

Intellectual property

All elements representing Passeport Textile, used on the site such as photographs, logos, trademarks, illustrations, and texts are the exclusive property of Camille Duplessi. This list is neither limiting nor exhaustive.

  • Name protected by INPI under number 5007308
  • Logo protected by INPI under number 5037276
  • INPI Address: 15 rue des Minimes - CS50001, 92677 Courbevoie Cedex, France

It is strictly prohibited to reuse, modify, imitate, and distribute, without the prior written consent of Camille Duplessi, in any form, all or part of the intellectual property of Passeport Textile published on the website.

Intellectual property of our clients and partners

The logos and brand names of our clients and partners published on the Passeport Textile website are the property of these entities. We have obtained their prior authorization.

Pursuit in case of unauthorized use

Passeport Textile may initiate proceedings for violation of this prohibition stipulated in the French Intellectual Property Code.

In the event that Camille Duplessi does not initiate legal action upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses, this does not imply acceptance of these uses or a waiver of the right to take legal action in this regard.


Passeport Textile is not responsible for your connection equipment or your internet network. It is the user's responsibility to protect themselves from potential damage caused by viruses on the web.

The content published on the site Passeport Textile is presumed reliable and accurate, but it does not guarantee the absence of errors or defects. The information is provided for informational purposes only, without contractual value, and is subject to change without notice. The Passeport Textile website reserves the right not to guarantee the reliability of the sources.

Passeport Textile is not responsible for the use and understanding of the information provided on the site.

Hypertext links

Redirection to other websites :

Hypertext links are present on the Passeport Textile site. You will be redirected to the page corresponding to another website. Passeport Textile is not responsible for the pages and content published on these sites.

The user may not sue Passeport Textile for compensation for any damages related to the use via these hypertext links.

Redirection to Passeport Textile :

Creating hypertext links to the Passeport Textile site requires the prior written agreement of Camille Duplessi.

Passeport Textile remains free to accept or refuse the publication of a redirection link without prior justification.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general terms of use are subject to French law. In the absence of an amicable agreement, French courts shall have sole jurisdiction over any dispute relating to these described conditions.


Feel free to contact us for any questions or complaints about Passeport Textile :

  • By email at : contact@passeport-textile.com
  • By mail : 35 allée de la rosebeck, 59890, Quesnoy-sur-Deûle. FRANCE
  • By phone : (+33) 07 45 12 38 88

We will respond to you within a maximum of 30 days.