Legal notices

In effect as of 03/24/2024

Passeport Textile offers B2B commercial development services in the national and international markets. It acts as an intermediary between various professional actors who wish to sell or source textiles: entrepreneurs, manufacturers, artisans, shops, associations...

Owner and publisher of the website :

  • Mrs. Camille DUPLESSI
  • Address :35 allée de la rosebeck, 59890 Quesnoy-sur-Deûle, France
  • Email :
  • Phone :(+33) 07 45 12 38 88
  • Domain name /
  • Website URL :
  • Website security :

    Protocole HTTPS

Web hosting :

  • Server located in Gravelines, France
  • Company name: OVH SAS.
  • SIRET number: 424 761 419 00045
  • Website :
  • Address : 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
  • Email :
  • Phone : (+33) 09 72 10 10 07

Web development and server :

  • Developed by Geoffrey DUPLESSI
  • Website
  • Framework : Laravel 10
  • Template : Template Bootstrap

Passeport Textile registration :

  • Directed by Camille DUPLESSI
  • Company name : Passeport Textile
  • Sole proprietorship registered with the RCS of Lille Métropole (445 Bd Gambetta, 59200 Tourcoing, France).
  • SIREN number : 984 800 144
  • SIRET number : 984 800 144 00011
  • VAT number : VAT non applicable, article 293 B CGI
  • NAF/APE code: 4616Z
  • Address 35 allée de la rosebeck, 59890 Quesnoy-sur-Deûle, France
  • Website URL :
  • Email :
  • Phone : (+33) 07 45 12 38 88
  • Name protected by INPI under number 5007308
  • Logo protected by INPI under number 5037276
  • INPI Address: 15 rue des Minimes - CS50001, 92677 Courbevoie Cedex. France

Sales agent registration :

  • Camille DUPLESSI
  • Regulated profession of sales agent for the French territory.
  • Registered number: 2024AC00084
  • In the Special Register of Sales Agents of Lille Métropole (445 Bd Gambetta, 59200 Tourcoing, France).
  • Subject to the provisions of articles L134-1 to L134-17 of the French Commercial Code.

Insurer details:

  • Company name : Orus EU
  • SIRET number :899 793 632 00014
  • Website :
  • Address : 5, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94160 Saint-Mandé. France
  • Email
  • Phone :(+33) 01 76 36 07 99